What You Don’t Know… About The Author, Updated for 2012

EDIT: Updating is hard to do… Most of this is still true today as the day I wrote it…05/27/2012

As I have become more involved in this little community, I figured I would write a proper “About Me” section.

I’m pretty easy to figure out. I don’t hide alot and I tend to be an open book.

Music is a huge part of my life. I will often drive hours out of my way to see a show.

Art is who I am. The creative process, the inspiration, that first brushstroke when the paint hits the canvas: I live for art. I thrive on creativity and the beauty of ideas made manifest.

Photography has recently become a passion of mine. I rarely go anywhere without my trusty little camera. The camera has replaced the once ever present sketch book and charcoals. The camera is by far the cleaner and more manageable choice. If you would love to see some of my pictures…..

I have a myspace page.. www.myspace.com/glassowater  feel free to check it out, I have tons of folders of the bands I love and the people in my life…and if you feel so inclined, add me…:) EDIT: I don’t really use Myspace anymore. Like most people, I’m on Facebook, but this page is still available with tons of band pictures because I have been too lazy to move the pics or delete the account. 🙂

I love my little circle of friends. They all challenge and amaze me on a daily basis, bringing me more joy than I have ever known before in my life.

I love to cook. Yup, I admit it. Love love love going shopping, creating a menu and then just totally rocking out in the kitchen…come over sometime! I love to cook for friends…:)

Writing has come to me, rather painfully: first, it was a reaction to a bad breakup. I had never broken up with someone before. I was usually the one being dumped. But when I broke up with my girlfriend of three years, I was devastated. So much effort went into that, only to have to admit defeat and end it. I was drained emotionally and physically and a good friend suggested writing it out. From there, I began blogging, usually about silly things in my life…then my sister passed away and writing suddenly became very important to me. The need to work through my chaotic little thoughts and express what was in me in a new way was overpowering and the result is this blog.

Sometimes silly and trivial, sometimes serious and once in awhile, I try to be poetic, I hope you enjoy seeing inside my head.

11 responses to “What You Don’t Know… About The Author, Updated for 2012

  1. I’m glad you added an About Me page, nice to get to know you a little better 🙂 I’ll be a regular visitor for the trivial, the serious, AND the poetic, ’cause whatever you put out there, it’s frickin’ great! 😉

  2. It seems you’re a very interesting person and I’m sure it’d be a pleasure to sit and chat with you sometime. Writing can sometimes be better than talking to someone about your problems…It is for me anyway…And after I got everything off my chest I feel like I just took in a breath of fresh moutain air.

  3. ROMI – I can’t believe I missed you commenting on this page… your writing inspires me to do better and I hope I’m worthy of your praise.

    DREAMER – Alot of my writing is a little cathartic but I like fully exploring an idea and I hope what I write interests the person reading…

  4. Awesome!! you’re creative!!, i’ll definitely check your stuff out(youre art stuff!!!!not your ‘stuff’ stuff ;), atm my hands are covered in paint, but i just wanted to check out your site.

    covered in paint? your poor keyboard… 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

    • Breaking up is hard to do, the emotional drainage; words just can’t describe.

      Sorry about your sister.


      I think I have finally gotten to a place where I’ve accepted my sister’s passing. I don’t know how much of my blog you have read, but there are two full entries about her. I used to break down every time I thought about her, now I kinda smile, remembering more of the good times….

      And emotional drainage from the breakup I went through, while it never truly washes all away, enough of it is gone that I have been able to finally move on in my little life….

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